Simple Technique of How to Clear Acne Using Home Remedies

Cnayla - There are some techniques that you may use in dealing with how to clear acne. You can heal acne problem with some simple remedies that you may find in your home. Why bother to buy some costly product while you can use some home remedies as a pimple removal. Here are some ways of how to clear acne fast home remedies.

how to clear acne on face

How to Clear Acne Using Potassium Alum
Potassium alum is widely known for its usage as a natural deodorant and also as a treatment substance to lessen bleeding because of a cut. However, this substance can also be used as the treatment in how to clear acne. It can be used as an antiseptic and astringent so that it can shrinks the se of the skin tissue. In order to use it in pimple treatment, you may consider to have it in a big block, not in a powder form since the powder one is too abrasive. Use the alum on the acne areas. Make sure to not irritate and inflame the pimples.

 how to clear acne fast home remedies

How to Clear Acne Using Aspirin Paste
Aspirin can be used to answer the question of how to clear acne on face. It contains acetylsalicylic acid that is similar with the acid used in a lot of other acne treatments. To use it, you need to take a pill or two and then crush it up. Blend it with enough water to create a paste. Apply the paste to each pimple. You may use a Q-Tip. Don’t forget to wash your face after that.

Those are how to clear acne fast home remedies ways which are easy to do. The home remedies are quite handy to deal with the acne problem.  Those ways of how to clear acne are perfect for you who need to remove the acne but have limited time or budget.

Tag : home remedies, acne problem, Potassium alum, acetylsalicylic acid, acne treatments, pimple removal, how to clear acne on face, how to clear acne fast home remedies, how to clear acne on face, how to clear acne fast home remedies.

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