Cnayla - Finding the ways of how to remove blackheads? You come at
the right place. Blackheads are open-air pimples that can make their presence
on some parts of your body. However they often come on your skin face and they
are really disturbing. You can use some of the ways of how to remove blackheads
at home below.
How to remove
blackheads using turmeric
Turmeric is a great remedy for its anti-bacteria property.
It is an effective herb to counter the pimples breakout and of course using it
is a great way of how to remove
blackheads. All you need to do is preparing a teaspoon of turmeric powder.
Mix it with two tablespoon of mint juice. Rub it gently on your skin. This can
be used as the ways of how to remove blackheads on nose since the combination
of turmeric and mint has an aromatic smell.
You can also use the turmeric with a coriander. Wash a
handful of coriander leaves. Crush them to get their juice. It will give you a teaspoon of coriander
juice. Add it with a teaspoon of turmeric powder and make a paste out of them. Smear
the paste on your face. You better do it at night. Leave it for an hour and
then wash with warm water.
How to remove
blackheads using clay mask
You may never imagine using clay to fight
against blackheads outbreaks. If it is hard to get raw clay, you can use powdered
clay that is ready to use. Choose the one that can dry out oil and removing
residue. Add it with some apple cider vinegar and then create a paste. Use it
to cover the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. This method of how to remove blackheads
is ended with using lukewarm water to rinse it.Tag : how to remove blackheads on nose, how to remove blackheads at home, pimples breakout, turmeric powder, coriander leaves, mint juice, powdered clay, apple cider vinegar, how to remove blackheads on nose, how to remove blackheads at home
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